Quiz is scheduled to be aired on ITV on April 13, 14 and 15 at 9PM GMT. Here are some links where you can watch the minisseries live:
1, 2, 3
Choose one that works for you and enjoy the show! Don’t forget to click on this link to find out which time it begins on your timezone.
Some observations:
- Streaming websites are crowded with full-screen advertisements (especially on the video itself) and are usually hard to remove. In order not to put your computer at risk, it is recommended (but not required) to use the AdBlock extension. Unfortunately, however, some streams do not work if AdBlock is enabled, so keep your antivirus software enabled.
- To close the ads, click on the ‘x’ or the ‘close’ buttons of your windows. You may need to click more than once.
- Your browser may warn you that the website is not secure and could try to prevent your access. In this case, you will need to: click on “if you understand the risks to your security, access this unsafe site”, which usually appears when you click on “Details”; or choose another stream if you don’t want to.
- Stream websites crash. And the quality of your stream depends largely on two factors: your internet connection and the number of people watching the same stream as you. Also, clearing your browser’s cache can help a lot at this time.